Service Description

File Storage

Version 2024.01.01

File Storage is a service for storing data in the cloud, and the method provides servers and applications access to data through a shared file system. This compatibility makes cloud file storage ideal for workloads that rely on shared file systems and provides simple integration without code changes.

File Storage organizes and represents data as a hierarchy of files in folders. Read more

Technical Specification

Customer self-service Yes, managed in GleSYS Cloud
Protocol(s) NFSv3 / NFSv4
Plans available 100 GiB / 1 TiB / 3 TiB / 6 TiB / 10 TiB / 16 TiB
Total IOPS 600
Datacenter availability Stockholm, Falkenberg
Suitable use cases Backups, bulk data, cold storage
Integrated backup No
Encryption at Rest No
Encryption in Transit No
Availability restrictions The firewall blocks all traffic except for what is specified by the customer.
Personal data processing Storage, transfer

Weekly maintenance window

A weekly maintenance window within four hours is automatically assigned when creating a File Storage volume. Depending on the updates, the service might be unavailable during the given timeframe (under normal circumstances, up to 10 minutes).

In addition, if the assigned service window, displayed in GleSYS Cloud, is unsuitable, you can contact Support to change it manually.

How the plans work

The File Storage service comes with fixed-volume plans to choose from. As a customer, you select a plan and decide the maximum allowed storage usage (Quota). You can always change the plan to a bigger or smaller one.

Auto-upgrade feature

It is possible to enable an auto-upgrade (Promotion) function in GleSYS Cloud. When used, the plan will change to the next logical step when the plan's usage limit is exceeded.

When a volume plan auto-upgrades, the process is as follows:

  • In the first step, the system will flag the volume as having exceeded the usage limit when it occurs and give a grace period of 24 hours.
  • If the volume exceeds the plan's usage limit after 24 hours, our system will upgrade the customer to the next suitable plan, and we'll message the customer.

If a volume does not use the auto-upgrade function, the process is as follows:

  • In the first step, the system will flag the volume as having exceeded the usage limit when it occurs and give a grace period of 24 hours.
  • If the volume exceeds the plan's usage limit after 24 hours, our system will notify the customer via email, and they must either change the plan manually or remove data. They are given a week from discovery to take action.
  • If a volume is still over the usage limit after a week, the system will forcefully upgrade the volume and send a message to notify the customer.


Infrastructure platform GleSYS
Client configuration Customer