Service Description

Object Storage

Version 2024.01.01

The Object Storage service is an internet-scale, high-performance storage platform that offers reliable and cost-efficient data durability. The Object Storage service can store unlimited unstructured data of any content type, including analytic data and rich content, like images and videos. Read more

Technical Specification

Customer self-service Yes, managed in GleSYS Cloud
S3 API compatibility Yes (detailed feature support)
Clients supported Any S3 compatible client (aws-cli, s3cmd, minio-cli etc.)
Network infrastructure Up to 100Gb/s output
Bandwidth limit (per account) No
Rate limit (per account) No
Datacenter availability Stockholm, Falkenberg
Multi-AZ support No
Integrated backup No
Encryption at Rest Yes
Encryption in Transit Yes (we force all traffic to HTTPS)
Server-side encryption Yes (according to the Amazon SSE-C specification)*
Processing of personal data Storage, transfer

Billing and Usage

We are not charging you for the public outbound bandwidth used or the total number of operational requests processed by the system. It is all included in the service.

Object Storage operates under a different model than our other storage services. They come with fixed plans, while the average monthly stored volume determines Object Storage prices.


Infrastructure platform GleSYS
Interaction with S3 compatible API Customer